
Thursday, March 6, 2025

MPI Day 2

Well we have made it to day two! Another good day of receiving copious amounts of information. Found this session or should I say lesson, very useful although not as heavy as I thought it was going to be. What did I learn that increased my understanding of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani Programme ? I was lucky enough to have had Sharon come in recently and chat to our staff about RAT E - not rate but rat -e! the importance jof data and how we can use it came back to the forefront of my mind and I loved knowing that everyone has the chance to be great.

“If it’s worth TEACHING

it’s worth capturing.

If it’s worth LEARNING

it’s worth capturing.”

This is possible the biggest take away and the importance of rewindable teaching. This is something I have never really mastered. A few seeds have been planted on how I can do this better! I am hoping screen cast or google record will be my next best ...tool!

What did I learn that could improve my capability and confidence in teaching maths?

I have heard Elena say often that we are not throwing out the old which rings very true to me. I love math's, am no expert although I certainly have experience that allows me to be successful. I have taught to the whole class for a few years now and feel that groups within any area have to be fluid and change at the drop of a hat. I feel I can take new ideas on and keep developing my teaching pedagogy and style. What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  I will continue to fine tune the maths talk - loved seeing the subitising activities in the sessions today and that will become a part of our daily routine for the coming week. A refresh on looking at the DATA and sharing tis with my team will be a focus too while making sure the LI and SC are clear.

What did I learn that could be shared within my wider community, with either colleagues, or whānau/aiga?  As mentioned I will share the subitising with my team and the planning also - just as a thought! As the maths lead, I will also share the PAT data slides to help our team reflect on their DATA.

I am now going to try and attach what I made from last week.....this is a screen shot of the ground rules that have been adapted to fit in with our PB4L-SW explicit teaching program. Till next week!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Well I am back - I haven’t grasped this professional blogging thing, to be fair, I haven’t really given it a chance. I have always found it difficult to express myself to other and reflect on what I have done or I'm doing. I tend to do it in my mind ...late at night! I am a processor sure and need that time to go away and reflect. By which stage the moment has gone and my input not needed! So now I am back, trying to reflect the rest of my life doesn't get in the way and I miss the post! Yes I will use the questions as my prompt - let see were they lead me!

What did I learn that increased my understanding of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani Programme? it is always a treat to listen to Dorothy and todays take way for me was the revisiting of the pillars of learning - there always seems so much with the MK pedagogy so it was great to have a refresh with the pillars - my ain mow is to put them in my planning more!

What did I learn that could improve my capability and confidence in teaching maths? The biggest learning is although I know lots, its ok to be an experienced teacher here, as there is still so much to learn. I love that about education - the learning never stops.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? I love the survey - something I have done in the past but not for a few years, that is will be on next weeks plan. I also enjoyed the use of pictures. I have always used everyday pictures in maths but never with such open ended questions and thinking - can't wait to give that a go.

What did I learn that could be shared within my wider community, with either colleagues, or whānau/aiga? There was a lot to share, as the WSL I like to share one new idea a week so this week I will share the new curriculum info to help the teacher check their planning. Then it will be the video Boosting Maths.