
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rua - DFI

The ability to say to myself that there is so much more learning to do and feel excited about it, is empowering.  To have been teaching for so long and be able to join dots with the old and new, get clarification on concepts, and continue to take knowledge on reflectively makes me feel grateful and in a wonderfully lucky place. To hear Dorothy talking about the pedagogy this morning has give more clarification on Learn, Create, Share in regards to Recognise, Amplify and Turbocharge which has added another layer to the understanding of the pedagogy. I have often thought about turbocharging with little thought towards Recognise and Amplify, looking forward to reading and exploring that some more.

I appreciate the time given after each teaching segment which enables me to put into practice what Mark have been teaching us. The timing is near perfect, as I haven't begun to wiggle and I am still focused then I get to put the bits that interest me into practise therefore making it stick into my brain a little bit more. The notes I take on paper - something I haven't done for a very long time - also reinforce the learning. This makes me wonder about the children that sit in front of me and beside me each day,  am I allowing them to put into practice the teachings enough to master them. This in turns makes me wonder if I allow enough chooses for the children to explore and acquire knowledge - suddenly I feel like an old traditional teacher who needs to wake up!

Google Meets recording and reflection.
This was Fun with Angela - the first time she did her recording I forgot to turn on my mic which we hadn't notice as we were sitting close so could hear each other without the mic, then it came to my turn and even though I recorded the majority of the google meets during lock down, nerves took over and I too had to do take two! Anyway here is the video....

My aim this coming week is to master Google Meets which I have heard of but never really looked into. I am hoping it will be the organisation tool I need so my life runs smoothly!  

PS. Managed to insert a profile photo on my blog today!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tahi - The Beginning DFI.

This term I start the adventure of DFI through Manaiakalani and here goes my first ever professional post, 
What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
       To see Manaiakalani as more that the use of digital tools in the classroom. 
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional
I learnt that I know stuff already which is good, and I have a lot of learning to do which is exciting. 
I had never heard of Google Groups and am keen to use that with the junior team and parent groups. 
It was great to have the addons shared with us. Discovering the talk to type feature and 
how this can be used with my focus children in class is exciting.  Learning about the contents page on Doc, which I hardly ever use has made me want to go back to Docs again!
