
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rima - DFI

Sitting listening to the WWW where everyone is talking about what they are doing and think, I am feeling I  am not doing near enough homework or is that home learning! To hear what some are doing and how they are using things was great I need a system where I am going back and using the rewindable learning so I don't forget anything.  This element, WWW, has made a number of lights go back on, can't believe I had forgotten so much in a week - is forgotten the right word I then ask? For me I have to go over things once or twice to make them stick, I guess I am lucky it is only once or twice and not 10 times as there is so much to remember. I had a moment with Mark today when creating a new site for my sight words when our wires and ideas were crossed and I had to start again. In reflection it was my desire to find the shortcut that landed us there.  I often find myself thinking there must be a quicker way to do this and then spending time searching when the first concept would of worked. Tech is always changing so much and so quickly, I do wonder if I am not equipped for the everyday updates!  And yes that massive clock at the front of my brain keeps appearing reminding me to keep looking up and keep the time and balance where it needs to be.  I feel like I have wasted this session a bit as I have drifted off into my own activity. I want to learn more about learning pathways and how I can use this with my literacy and maths planning, I will need to go back and explore the web sites in my own time!

The discussion on Collaboration this morning with Dorothy once again underlined one of the most powerful tools in teaching - sharing ideas, resources, experience etc has always been the biggest learning resource for me.  It is funny how things have changed, I can say that as I'm an old timer, when we were at university training all those years ago, we use to film ourselves so we could gain a better idea about how we were teaching. We would then sit and criticize each other of all the things we had done or not done. The thought of sharing that then, so openly was terrifying and yet now I have very different feelings towards filming myself and putting it out there for the world to see.  To be so open and confident that you are sharing your teaching to teach and help others puts such a different spin of things.  I haven't yet managed to video myself and put it up on my site, looking forward to that! 

Mark's comment "tired from teaching instead of tired from behaviour management' hit a chord with me. I often find myself asking 'why are they behaving in that way, what have I not done? 

I have enjoyed the journey of learning how to effectively use a class site. Prior to shutdown a few months ago I had never really send or even heard of a class site so to have created one and be using it everyday now it great fun.  My head now filled with what else can I use on for - sight words, inquiry, planning,  etc. I loved the idea shared of getting the kids to create the buttons for the class site to add more idendenty in it for the children.

I need to look more into multimodal to get more of that into my class.  "That" what is that!? I don't really know what multimodal is but am sure I will work it out.  I think that is one thing that I have really begun to take on during the DFI, a huge amount of information is presented to us, information that is incapulating, by thinking and remembering that all this information has a starting point and small steps are all that is needed to master all the learning makes it much easier to wonder through.

Here is the link to my DFI speed challenge - took me 5 min and 33 sec!

This is the sight words site I created for my class site! Need to complete all the audio, maybe a child could contribute to that!

Here's till next week!!

1 comment:

  1. Bula Libby,
    Thank you for sharing your Week 5 reflection. When I did DFI this session I also found very usual as it made me critically reflect on my rewindable teaching and learning. The key is definitely making things visible!
    Often we are too harsh on ourselves because we are "not keeping up" however we have to put ourselves in children's shoes: are we teaching to fast? are we going over concepts to quickly? People learn differently: some pick concepts up quickly and fast, some need time and repetition, this is not a failure but a recognition of how someone learns!
    I love your idea of the site words and using different fonts after our conversation last Tuesday.
    Hope your having a great week,
