
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Toru - DFI

We start today on the reflection and realisation, that I had said I would learn to use Google Keeps last week ....... and haven't even looked at it!  Should of set myself a reminder! 

Connecting with Manaiakalani:

I sit listening and thinking about all that Dorothy shares and my own children always come to mind - I want my children to have experienced this style of learning and teaching! I can't help but think how different it may have been for them, especially for my daughter! Yes when I say own children I'm not only thinking of my class but my babies, who are teenagers and at the end of their schooling life! I wonder if it's not too late to start again!  I do get excited about all I can share with them, and can see them looking at me with those eyes that say "really mum, do I have to listen?'  It was good to see the create element again and to increase my understanding of it and the power creativity gives. Now to work out how to get it into my daily programme and teams outlook! I am excited about create, it looks fun, beneficial and empowering.  The words "problem solvers, communicators and collaborators' have stuck with me and to think I can contribute to creating children along those lines fills me with joy. To imagine the world fill of 'playfully creative people' makes me want to change the way I run our team meetings (as a starting point) - how can I get Learn, Create and Share into the agenda?  

Questions I have got from listening to Dorothy.
Am I looking at the whole person and the sensory elements? 
Am I remembering that creativity needs to be hands on and there needs to be lots of creating before the learning is cemented?
How do they create and not just watch it?
How do I see create differently, include it in my daily programme for my class and my team?

What stuck with me from the morning google meet, and I really want to follow up was the idea of school tv, chn sitting and watching that - in today's classroom where covid and rebuilds dictate space, instead of our assembly, school tv has an opportunity to begin!  Secondly, would be the The film festival idea - getting that in my class, then maybe the school sounds like a challenge I could enjoy.

Luckily, my colleagues has just pointed out that I, at the age I am, have 40,000 hours left of teaching - lets hope I use them wisely!

Google Slide:

I embarked on the google slides exercise which was great and something I can see being used for me, and the kids. I use google draw a lot and yes there was a number of things I didn't know about. Love the little tricks I now know.  I am thinking that doing that small exercise often will help me remember. 

 Then I discovered 'pick a path', was instantly taken back to my childhood and those books we all read were you could pick what happened next by turning to a different page! We are looking at narratives in class at the moment and I  like the idea of doing slideshows with that where there is different options for the children's own stories. Our class also spends time with problem solving on Fridays so using the concept of pick a path in this area lead me to beginning to make the below slide show - yet to be finished as of today's date, but will work on it.  There is a bit of the old 'poke and hope' feeling I often get with maths apps, will see how we go.  Finished and tested on my 18 year old boy - he got it and I think enjoyed it! His comment was 'It's very good!"

Am enjoying the pace and level of learning I am doing!  Here's to the next week, keeping this going and using the knowledge! Might go back and look at google .....what was keeps!!


  1. Kia ora Libby,
    I can relate to your thoughts about your own children and find my own children's learning in their school's(or lack of it in some cases) really helps drive my thinking of how I can be a better educator.
    With your team meetings I think it comes down to the purpose of the meeting. Are they for transactional admin items or do you actually have opportunities to have professional learning? It is difficult to do Learn Create Share for admin however if you were say unpacking a Higher Leverage Practice like discussion you could acquire new knowledge by researching different ways to teach discussion for children, create some resources to support this and then share with other staff locally or on your blog globally to ask for feedback and to teach others. The sharing can help reshape original ideas from the feedback your recieve.
    Nga mihi,

  2. Kia Ora Libby,
    Thank you for sharing your Week 3's reflection on Media. I can only comment that it would have made my life so much easier at Primary and High School. Tools such as Read&Write would have helped hugely as I am a slow reader.
    During our Admin meetings on a Monday morning we do a 'slam-dunk' session where a teacher can book in a slot to share what they have used in the classroom...remember it doesn't always have to be through the device!
    I commend your commitment and efforts during DFI learning time, I will be wondering around tomorrow so please ask for help if you need it.
    See you tomorrow,

  3. Hi Libby
    Your reflections on this session have really made me stop and think again over the session and to reflect on a deeper level how all this new learning can impact positively on my students. I use google slides a lot to share learning with my students so knowing how to imbed videos and audio has been of immense benfit.
    Loved your pick a path so will give that a go myself.
    Thank you for sharing your insightful reflections as it encourages me to think a little more deeply about my own teaching practice and how to implement the things I am learning on this course to the benefit of my students.
